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Ashesh Jyoti Majumdar - CEO & Co-Founder , Synkus

Ashesh , spearheading the company's strategic direction and growth trajectory. With interest in technology and business acumen, Ashesh is dedicated to positioning Synkus as an industry leader in using technology to make peoples life convenient & secure with its very first product home automation. His visionary leadership and technical expertise the company towards establishing a strong market presence and ensuring sustained success.

Anirban - COO & Co-Founder, Synkus

Anirban, orchestrates backend operations and server infrastructure. With a wealth of experience in technology management, Anirban ensures the reliability and scalability of Synkus's backend systems. His expertise in optimizing server performance drives the seamless functionality of our home automation solutions, supporting Synkus's commitment to excellence in user experience.

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Soubhik Sarkar - CTO & CO-Founder , Synkus

Soubhik, leads our technical endeavors with a blend of expertise in software engineering and IoT. His profound understanding of emerging technologies empowers Synkus to develop cutting-edge home automation systems that prioritize security, efficiency, and user experience.

Koulik Sengupta - M.D & Co-Founder , Synkus

Koulik, drives front-end development and strategic financial decisions. With interest in technology and finance, Koulik ensures the user-centric design and functionality of Synkus's front-end interfaces. His adept financial acumen guides Synkus's fiscal strategy, supporting sustainable growth and market competitiveness in the home automation sector.

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